We present observations taken in the corona above a flare
that occurred on the west limb of the Sun. SUMER spectra
show large red (400 km/s) and blue (700 km/s) Dopplershifts in Fe XX
Cr XVI (5x106K), Si
IX (106K) and O III
(105K) emission lines.
These shifts are associated with a fast moving (500 km/s)
optical emission front detected in high cadence images,
taken with the coronagraph MICA. Yohkoh images, taken 8 min after the hard
X-ray peak, show fast soft X-ray ejecta that can be extrapolated
back to the position of pre-flare coronal arcade structure
seen in EIT 195 images. The observations are interpreted as evidence of
a blast wave propagating through the active region
coronal loop structure very early in the flare evolution.