Movie Gallery
|page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | page 5 | SOHO-Gallery |Fast CMEs
|960115c3 | 960709c3 | 961128c1 | 971105c23 | 990519c2 | 990519c3 |
960115c3 The coronal mass ejection (CME) from 15th Jan 1996, observed by LASCO-C3 in white light. The sequence shows difference images relative to a reference image taken prior to the ejection event. |
960709c3 A huge mass ejection observed by LASCO-C3 in white light. The sequence of images shows difference images relative to a reference image taken at the beginning of the sequence. |
14 frames, 512x288, 1.97MB (MVI), 0.65MB (MPEG), source: MPS
961128c1 A very fast mass ejection observed by LASCO-C1 at a wave length of 530.3 nm.The continuum intensity at 530.9 nm was subtracted from each image.The residual intensity made visible this way is emitted from coronal Fe-XIV ions at a temperature of 1.5 million degrees. The images are not calibrated by flat field images, pixel defects by cosmic ray hits have not yet been removed. The ejection event took place right in between two consecutive images.When the ejecta reached a distance of 2 and 5 solar radii, they could also be seen by telescopes C2 and C3, respectively. Since the event took place at Thanksgiving Day it was named the "Turkey Day CME". |
16 frames, 334x418, 2.13MB (MVI), 0.23MB (MPEG), source: MPS
971105c23 |
990519c2 |
990519c3 |