11 March 2025

Movie Gallery

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|9605c3hy| 9612c2xm| 9612c3xm| soho54_55_c2| c3machholz|

Comet  Hyakutake  in May 1996, as seen  by LASCO-C3. The   sequence of images  shows difference images relative to a reference image taken at the beginning of the sequence. The diffuse  dust tail  and the radially outward directed plasma tail of the comet can clearly be distinguished. Some CMEs are visible on the Sun and  also the contiuous  flow of the slow solar wind in the solar equatorial plane. Note also the stars moving through the field of view.
1.5.1996 03:04 - 6.5.1996 15:38
84 frames, 512x512, 21.01MB (MVI), 4.87MB (MPEG),   source: MPAe

A  small  sun  grazing   comet of the Kreutz group approaching   the Sun and dissolving  in the field of view  of LASCO-C2. Several minor mass ejections and the continuous flow of the slow solar wind in the solar equatorial plane can be seen.  The sequence of  images shows difference images relative to a reference image taken at the beginning of the sequence.

22.12.1996 02:21 - 28.12.1886 15:54
341 frames, 512x512, 85.29MB (MVI), 2.13MB (MPEG),   source: NRL

On Christmas 1996 the Sun is passing the Milky Way. This event is monitored by LASCO-C3, of course  with the Sun itself occulted. A small sun  grazing comet of  the Kreutz  group is  approaching  the Sun and dissolves. Several minor mass ejections and the continuous flow of the slow  solar wind in the solar equatorial plane can be seen. The sequence of images shows difference images relative to a reference image taken at the beginning of the sequence.
22.12.1996 02:33 - 28.12.1996 14:26
164 frames, 512x512, 41.02MB (MVI), 3.85MB (MPEG),   source: NRL
31.05.1998 20:04 - 02.06.1998 19:31
83 frames, 512x512, 404KB (MPEG),   source: NRL
06.01.2002 15:42 - 10.01.2002 23:45
122 frames, 512x512, 404KB (MPEG),   source: NRL