11 March 2025

Movie Gallery

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Slow CMEs

|960708c1| 961018c1| 970505c1| 970505z1| 971019c1g| 971019c1r| 971019c2| 971019c3| 980621c3|

A slow mass ejection from the corona observed by LASCO-C1 at  a wave length of 530.3 nm. The continuum intensity at 530.9 nm  was subtracted  from each image. The residual intensity made visible this way is emitted from coronal Fe-XIV ions  at a  temperature of 1.5 million  degrees. The images  are not calibrated by  flat field images, pixel defects by cosmic ray hits have  no yet been removed.
8.7.1996 04:39 - 8.7.1996 14:26
15 frames,  388x388,  2.15MB (MVI), 0.66MB (MPEG),   source: MPS

Two CMEs observed  by LASCO-C1 at a wave length of 530.3 nm. The   continuum intensity at 530.9 nm was subtracted from each image.The residual intensity made visible this way is emitted from coronal Fe-XIV  ions at a temperature of 1.5 million degrees. The images are not calibrated  by flat field images,pixel defects by cosmic ray hits have not yet been removed.
18.10.1996 02:25 - 19.10.1996 23:03
46 frames, 419x544, 10.01MB (MVI), 2.30MB (MPEG),   source: MPS
05.05.1997 02:10 - 05.05.1997 16:57
32 frames, 384x320, 1.27MB (MPEG), source: MPS
05.05.1997 02:10 - 05.05.1997 17:45
32 frames, 272x428, 960KB (MPEG), source: MPS
19.10.1997 00:23 - 19.10.1997 15:18
36 frames, 394x471, 1.2MB (MPEG), Quelle: MPS
19.10.1997 00:42 - 19.10.1997 15:09
20 frames, 394x471, 1.4MB (MPEG), Quelle: MPS
19.10.1997 00:56 - 19.10.1997 22:51
39 frames, 543x606, 737KB (MPEG), Quelle: MPS
19.10.1997 09:03 - 20.10.1997 14:54
40 frames, 606x497 1.3MB (MPEG), Quelle: MPS
22.06.1998 00:25 - 22.06.1998 22:27
21 frames, 512x512 935KB (MPEG), Quelle: MPS